Research Interests
Banking, Household Finance, Real Estate
Do Property Rehabs Affect Neighboring Property Prices?
(with Gonzalo Maturana
Journal of Urban Economics, 2024, 143, 103694
[Internet Appendix] | [Replication Code]
- Coverage:
National Community Stabilization Trust
What Drives Screening Incentives in Non-bank Mortgage Originators?
Real Estate Economics 2023, 51(6), 1321-1355
[Internet Appendix]
- Coverage:
Harvard Bankruptcy Roundtable
Shocked by Bank Funding Shocks: Evidence from Consumer Credit Cards
(with Sudheer Chava, Nikhil Paradkar, and Linghang Zeng
Review of Financial Studies, 2023, 36(10), 3906-3952
[Internet Appendix]
Credit Default Swaps and Moral Hazard in Bank Lending
(with Indraneel Chakraborty and Sudheer Chava
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2023, 58(5), 1911-1942
[Internet Appendix]
Tracing the Source of Liquidity for Distressed Housing Markets
(with Steven Xiao and Serena Xiao
Real Estate Economics, 2023, 51(2), 408-440
[Internet Appendix]
Impact of Marketplace Lending on Consumers' Future Borrowing Capacities and Borrowing Outcomes
(with Sudheer Chava, Nikhil Paradkar, and Yafei Zhang
Journal of Financial Economics, 2021, 142(3), 1186-1208
[Internet Appendix]
Do Bond Investors Price Tail Risk Exposures of Financial Institutions?
(with Sudheer Chava and Vijay Yerramilli
Quarterly Journal of Finance, 2021, 11(01), 215003
- GARP Risk Management Research Award, 2013
Do Credit Default Swaps Mitigate the Impact of Credit Rating Downgrades?
(with Sudheer Chava and Chayawat Ornthanalai
Review of Finance, 2019, 23(3), 471-511
[Internet Appendix]
Review of Finance Editor's Choice Lead Article
- Finalist for the Pagano-Zechner Best Paper award in the Review of Finance, 2019
- Q Group Research Award, 2012
- Featured in
Effects and Responses to Economic Downturns
Working Papers
Too Far To Regulate?
Conferences: FIRS (2020), CFIC (2020)
Gender-based Sorting in the Credit Card Market
(with Sudheer Chava, Nikhil Paradkar, Linghang Zeng, and Yafei Zhang
Conferences: AFA (2023), NFA(2023)